Building the Next Generation of Sustainable Bioproducts Researchers:16 students from 14 universities on campus for the Summer REU program

Sixteen students from 14 universities including University of Puerto Rico, Mc Gill University, Canada, and UDT, Concepcion, Chile started their 10 week research program in the UMaine campus on June 6th. Participating students were selected from among more than 70 applicants. More than 20 UMaine faculty and graduate students will be working as mentors in these research Projects. This research experience is funded by the FBRI REU grant from the National Science Foundation.
All students will be going to Concepcion, Chile on August 3rd for their research experience in fundamental and applied forest bioproducts research.Two students already left for Concepcion to start their research project there.
For the list of students, their university, mentors, and research projects please go to the following link: