Kate Dickerson
Research Introduction
I am working on figuring out what products could be economically produced from wood, where they could be sold in Maine, and how both the wood and the products would get where they need to be. I’m also looking at the best place to make these different things from the wood – close to the forests, or close to the people who will use them.
Research Details
I am working on a Maine Biofuels Business plan. As part of the team working on this, I am evaluating and integrating the most current specific perspectives and information from the FBRI project to determine what is needed for a viable biorefinery facility. In particular, we are identifying the products, including chemicals and fuels, that can be made from wood. In addition, we are determining the best place in the state where a biorefinery can be located. This takes into account transportation issues (both to and from the facility), workforce, biorefinery location compared to wood location, and possible markets for the products.
Contact Information
Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center
5784 York Complex, Bldg. #4, Room 113
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469
tel: (207) 581-1645
E-mail: kate.dickerson@umit.maine.edu
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