
Life Cycle Assessment is gaining increased attention around the world as a quantitative and internationally standardized method for assessing the environmental impacts of products and policies and consumer behavior and choices. Life Cycle Assessment works with models of supply chains and product life cycles, which include the use of products as well as their fates after use, in land fill, incineration, composting, or recycling.
Sylvatica’s Greg Norris: “I am leading efforts to integrate and apply methods of environmental “Life Cycle Assessment” to evaluate in a holistic manner the environmental and resource impacts of forest bioproduct development in Maine and the Northeast. Every product leads to a “tree” of environmental impacts with hundreds of branches of processes that convert raw materials into goods and services and land. I use “Life Cycle Assessment” to estimate those impacts and design products and supply chains that meet our needs while we also place lighter demands on nature.
Greg Norris founded Sylvatica in 1996 to bring the economic benefits of environmental consciousness to industries around the world. Sylvatica provides environmental and social impact consulting services to corporations, government departments, and non-profits around the globe.