Huber Resources Corporation

Huber Resources Corporation is hosting a three year project on lands they manage and harvest, supporting FBRI’s research as well as locating new uses for low value trees.
“It’s relatively easy to market our clients’ timber in year 10 and beyond, after we’ve begun to reap the rewards of good silviculture. The real challenge is to realize profits for our clients in the early years, when there’s often an overabundance of low-value trees.”
– Peter Triandafillou, Vice President, Woodlands
Huber Resources Corporation
”The primary objectives of this project are to compare biomass harvest systems and vegetative management treatments for rehabilitation of low value beech-dominated hardwood stands. My interest lies in developing harvesting methods to supply raw material for bioenergy and bioproducts in a cost effective and sustainable manner. Given national interest in alternative energy sources and bio-products, this project serves as a model for other regions faced with the challenges of harvesting biomass from small diameter trees while maintaining silvicultural objectives.” FBRI’s Dr. Jeff Benjamin
“For nearly a century Huber Resources Corporation has been an industry leader in managing for long term sustainability. …As natural forest managers, we consider it a privilege to partner with organizations and investors who share our commitment to taking the high road in forest management.”